© Francis Payol, octobre 2022
The four voices are the most common form of vocal music. However, if it is common to hear them in large ensembles, interpretations in reduced numbers are rather rare.
This is the whole gamble taken by the Ensemble Sottovoce with this A Cappella program, tailor-made for four or five singers who will have on stage no other instrument than their own voices. This program was therefore designed to show the diversity of the vocal repertoire.
From the beginnings of baroque music (Victoria, Byrd, Philipps, Arbeau) to contemporary pieces and recent creations (Kelmendi, Paulus), from so-called learned music to vocal jazz (Andrews Sisters), passing by traditional tunes ( Simon & Garfungel, The Beatles), "A Cappella" invites you on a great journey through music.
A timeless moment through the ages, between centuries-old tradition and popular tunes known to all. a journey with a thousand resonances that will not leave you speechless!
Synopsis :
© Francis Payol, juillet 2021
Technical elements:
1:30 with intermission
Number of 4 or 5 singers.
Pieces by Thoinot Arbeau, Jacques Arcadelt, Adrian Batten, Dmitri Bornianski, Michel Bosc, Ben Bram, William Byrd, Bob Chilcott, Ola Gjeilo, Mary Goetze, Memli Kelmendi, Nobuya Monta, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Stephen Paulus, Peter Philipps, Henry Purcell , Josquin des Près, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Maurice Ravel, Daryl Runswick, Alessandro Scarlatti, Claudin de Sermisy, Judith Shatin, Andrews Sisters, Charles Standford, John Tavener, Mario Thürig, Tomás Luis de Victoria.
Egalement disponible sur les plateformes de streaming